Aug. 4, 1995.
It appears that on my last posting I spelled the word
second in the following way, sencond. Things like that
happen sometimes. Now we go into how the Pleidians
would like to be treated.
In many cases the Pleiadains are considered by Earth humans to be superhuman or angelic beings. This erroneous assumption could not be further from the truth. Pleiadians are merely human beings similar to us, but they are further advanced in their spiritual and technological development. This does not mean, however, they are free from faults. Until a life form has transitioned into a purely spiritual existence, it continues to make mistakes and learn from them. This is how we evolve. The same holds true for the Pleiadians who occasionally make mistakes, break laws, and are punished according to the severity of the violation. It must be emphasized that making mistakes and learning from them is natural and absolutely essential for our continued development and evolution. Understandably, prison methods on Erra are far different from anything we have on Earth. The Pleiadians' penal system corresponds to their evolutionary level and is completely humane. Even most severe criminal violations are not punished the with death penalty. After repeated warnings, and depending on the severity of the crime, the perpetrators are segregated by sex and sent to seperate remote island or specially selected planets. For obvious reasons, male and female transgressors are not allowed to live together. Men are sent to one island or planet and the women to another. They are left totally alone and must literally earn their daily bread through their own labor. They are not permitted to have any machines or tools to assist them with their work, and security measures ensure that the offenders do not somehow fashion them. Furthermore, criminals are not allowed to have contact with any other life forms. The length of punishment depends upon the severity of the crime, and in severe cases offenders may be banished for the duration of their lives. This form of punishment guarantees law and order and, at the same time, places no burden on society. In addition to these materialistic aspects, this forma of punishment also fullfills a spiritual goal that most people on Earth are unaware of, but one that is extremely important. This type of punishment ensures a fuldamental Creational law that states: "Every life form has the right to total freedom regarding its body, psyche, and its material and spirtitual consciousness". This law cannot be fullfilled through immprisonment or torture. Furthermore, punishment is only meaningful when it achieves the objective. The offenders must be offered a possiblity for atonement by separating them from society and giving them the opportunity to improve themselves. They must recognize their faults and correct their way of thinking. This is the foundation behind the Pleiadians penal system. This goal cannot be achieved through torture or the death penalty because it prevents guilty persons from coming to a realization of their mistake. To go even further in thinking we have not solved the problem by executing the person, we have actually achieved the exact opposite! It is true a material body is not longer alive and the spirit moves on the "other side". In this case, however, the spirit has not learned from its mistake and must reincarnate into a new body as soon as possible. Sooner or later the same spirit will commit the same mistake over again in a new body until it has learned, through its own thought process that the crime committed is wrong.
JW Somehow I think you don't get away with anything.
Part 3.
Source of Information: UFO LIBRARY, VOL. 3, NO. 3, 11684, VENTURA BLVD. SUITE 708, STUDIO CITY, CA., 91604. The article was written by Michael Whelan.
Remember: Every person should have a cemetery lot in which to bury the faults of freinds and loved ones.
John Winston.